Get real-time updates of Magaya transactions on your smart phone with the Track2Go[TM] app. You, your customers, and agents can track freight and shipment status, inventory, invoices, and more, right on your phone at any time. For example, know when your cargo arrived at the warehouse by entering the Warehouse Receipt number, or see the status of a shipment, Pickup Order, or Cargo Release to see if it’s loaded, in transit, etc. See invoice or purchase order details. Whether it’s by air, ocean, or truck, track and trace the container or package and see the status of the airline flight, the ocean vessel, or ground transportation and know where your cargo is at all times. No matter what you’re shipping or where, tracking it is easy with Magaya Track2Go. Just obtain your transaction number once from your logistics provider, and you can check it at any time, no matter what time zone you are in. Stay informed with the Track2Go app from Magaya Corporation, the leading provider of logistics software solutions for freight forwarders and startup logistics companies.更多