Please rate it if you find it useful! ----------------------------------------------- 24x7 Location Tracking! No GPS required! No map monitoring!! You have started your travel back to home and your family wants to know where you have arrived during your travel. They are not experts at reading maps, they just want to get notified of your progress. -There are many cases like this where your current approximate location is required by others for various reasons. There are many apps in the market that provide location monitoring through maps, most of them using GPS for tracking. Problem is, GPS works only under clear sky and drains your phone battery really fast. You have to be careful to switch GPS on and off only when tracking is required. Also reading and monitoring maps in real time is not convenient for everyone. Tracking You Now app does not use GPS. It uses mobile networks and WIFI hotspots to determine approximate location of the user and works wherever mobile network is available. For the case mentioned above it is perfectly alright to have approximate locations. With network location provider you can keep this app running 24x7 without worrying about battery consumption(app runs as a background service). The app sends notifications to your-assigned mailbox, twitter account or as Gtalk messages whenever app user's location gets updated.Your track route is maintained and can be shared with your family members, friends etc. Installation Steps:1. Go to Settings checkbox(see app images above).2. Install the app from Google Play and enable tracking from first screen. Application Settings:To receive notifications one has to have atleast one of Gtalk, email or twitter account. To enable notifications you need to add account ids on settings screen(see screen shot). Your assigned account will be immediately notified when your location gets updated. For receiving twitter updates twitter user needs to follow @trackingyounow account which will provide updates though direct messages. Gtalk user will receive updates as chat messages from Features:Provides location update notifications on Google Talk, twitter and email accountsCan share your track with othersApp runs as background service, you can leave it running 24x7Manage your location history Privacy:Your location data is only available to you and the accounts you wish to notify to. There is an option to share your track data through URL with anyone you wish to. But that link is valid only for the current calendar day making sure that your privacy is protected next day onward. Finally app user has right to enable/disable tracking when s/he desires to. 请率,如果你觉得它有用! ----------------------------------------------- 全天候定位跟踪!没有GPS需要!无地图监控! 您已经开始您的旅行,回到家里,和你的家人想知道在您的旅行,你已经到达。他们是不是会看地图的专家,他们只是想就通知你的进步。有很多情况下,如您当前的大致位置其他所需要的各种原因。 有许多在市场上的应用程序提供位置通过地图,他们大多使用GPS跟踪监控。问题是,,GPS只能晴朗的天空下,你的手机电池及排水渠真快。你必须要小心,切换和关闭GPS跟踪是必需的,只有当。阅读和地图实时监测,是不为大家方便。 跟踪你现在的应用程序不使用GPS。使用移动网络和WIFI热点来确定用户的大致位置,无论移动网络。对于上述的情况下,完全没有问题有大致位置。随着网络位置提供者,你可以保持这个程序运行全天候无需担心电池消耗(应用程序作为后台服务运行)。应用程序发送通知到你指定的邮箱,Twitter帐户或Gtalk的消息时,应用程序用户的位置被更新。你的维护和跟踪路由可以共享你的家人,朋友等, 安装步骤:1。进入设置位置和安全性,并勾选“使用无线网络”复选框(见上面的应用程序图像)。2。从谷歌播放安装的应用程序,并启用跟踪从第一个画面。 应用程序设置:要接收通知,必须有至少一个GTALK,电子邮件或Twitter帐户。要启用通知,你需要添加的帐户ID设置屏幕上的(见屏幕快照)。你指定的帐户将被更新时,立即通知你的位置。用于接收Twitter更新Twitter的用户需要遵循@ trackingyounow帐户,这将提供更新虽然直接消息。 Gtalk的用户将收到更新,作为聊天消息trackingyounowapp@gmail.com的。 特点:提供位置更新的谷歌Talk,Twitter和电子邮件帐户的通知可以与他人分享您的轨道作为后台服务运行应用程序,你可以离开它全天候运行管理您的位置历史记录 隐私:您的位置数据是只提供给你和你想通知的帐户。有一个选项,你想与任何人分享您的轨道数据通过URL。但是,该链接仅适用于当前日历天确保您的隐私受到保护的次日起。最后,应用程序用户有权跟踪,当他/她希望启用/禁用。 更多