Bus app to show real-time bus arrival time for NYC MTA - Staten Island, New York Features:- Find nearby stops- Show buses arrival time based on bus stop id- Find stops- Save your favorite bus stops- Show bus routes- Set alias for your favorite bus stop To sort favorite:- In home screen, tap edit favorite to switch to edit mode- Long press and drag To remove from favorite:- In home screen, tap edit favorite to switch to edit mode- Fling right Ad supported. Data powered by NextBus 总线的应用程序,实时显示公交车到站时间Staten岛,纽约NYC MTA - 产品特点:- 查找附近的站点- 显示公交车到达时间的基础上巴士站编号- 查找停止- 保存您最喜爱的巴士站- 显示巴士路线- 您最喜爱的巴士站设置的别名 要排序的最爱:- 在主屏幕上,点击“编辑我的最爱切换到编辑模式- 长按和阻力 从收藏夹中删除:- 在主屏幕上,点击“编辑我的最爱切换到编辑模式- 一扔权利 广告支持。 数据采用NextBus 更多