Auto brightness manager adjusts automatically the brightness of your smartphone. Auto brightness manager calculates the sunset and sunrise time based on your location and modulates the brightness of your display. For example, if the sun rises at 6:00 o'clock brightness will be increased gradually. Vice versa if sun sets at 21:00 o'clock brightness will be decreased gradually. So, if your smartphone doesn't have a light sensor or it doesn't work well maybe this application can help you. 自动亮度经理您的智能手机会自动调整亮度。 自动亮度经理的计算日出和日落时间,根据您的位置,并调节显示器的亮度。例如,如果太阳升起的在6:00点钟亮度会逐渐增加。反之,如果太阳落山在21:00点钟亮度会逐渐降低。 所以,如果您的智能手机不会有一个光线感应器,或者它不工作,也许这个应用程序可以帮助你。 更多