modelum is your social s...应用简介
modelum is your social s...2025更新内容
modelum is your social s...功能介绍
《modelum is your social shopping assistant》是一款社交购物助手应用,具有以下功能:
1. 通过拍照识别:用户可以通过拍照识别衣物,无需输入文字描述即可获取相关信息。
2. 朋友评价:用户可以将拍摄的衣物照片分享给朋友,了解他们对该衣物的看法和评价。
3. 购买指南:用户可以根据朋友的评价和建议,获得购买指南,更好地决定是否购买该衣物。
4. 社交互动:用户可以与朋友分享自己购买的衣物,并与朋友一起讨论时尚搭配和购物心得。
5. 时尚潮流:用户可以浏览其他用户上传的时尚搭配照片,获取时尚潮流趋势和灵感。
6. 个性定制:用户可以根据自己的喜好和风格,定制自己的时尚搭配,并分享给朋友获得反馈。
7. 购物优惠:用户可以通过该应用获取最新的购物优惠信息,享受折扣和促销活动。
通过《modelum is your social shopping assistant》这款应用,用户可以通过拍照识别衣物,与朋友分享购物经验和时尚搭配,获取购买指南和优惠信息,体验社交购物的乐趣。
modelum is your social s...产品特色
modelum is your social shopping ally! With this app, you can make your shopping experience more social and interactive. The app allows you to take a picture of the garment you like and get feedback from your friends.
One of the main advantages of using modelum is that it makes shopping more fun and engaging. Instead of just browsing through online stores or walking around physical shops alone, you can involve your friends in the process. Their opinions and suggestions can help you make better purchasing decisions.
Additionally, modelum is a great tool for discovering new styles and trends. By sharing pictures of your outfits, you can inspire and be inspired by your friends' fashion choices. This social aspect of the app creates a community of fashion enthusiasts who can share their love for style and help each other look their best.
Another benefit of using modelum is that it saves you time and effort. Instead of trying on different clothes in fitting rooms or ordering items onli