Here in Japan, school kids have to learn many kanji characters. Using this app, you can brush up your kanji skill with fun! Easy to use. Look at Kanji, just tap the correct kanji yomi from 3-option. This app includes kanji characters you learned from the first grade to the sixth one. Select the grade you want to revise and enjoy it! Now, it's time to be a hero at school! 在日本,学校的孩子们要学习很多汉字字符。使用这个程序,你可以刷你的汉字技能与乐趣! 易于使用。看汉字,只需轻按3选项正确汉字的优美。 这个程序包括你从小学一年级学会第六个汉字字符。选择要修改和享受它的档次! 现在,是时候成为一个英雄在学校! 更多