eBook with a collection of public domain tales and stories of Conan the Cimmerian (or Conan the Barbarian) written by Robert E. Howard.Includes:Jewels of GwahlurA witch Shall be bornPeople of the Black CircleBeyond the Black RiverShadows in ZamboulaRed NailsThe Hour of the DragonThe Phoenix on the SwordThe Devil in IronBlack ColossusThe Tower of the ElephantThe Scarlet CitadelQueen of the Black CoastThe Slithering ShadowShadows in the MoonlightRogues in the HouseThe Pool of the Black OneGods of the NorthKeywords: swords, medieval, adventure, fiction, book, reading, fantasy, american literature, english languageThis work and all of the same author are in the public domain since have passed more than 70years after the authors death.If you wish you can show your appreciation and support future development by donating here! http://goo.gl/jWm6dIThanks! You can also donate via Bitcoin. My address is: 13xSGdqBbbHmL2CMin7kFVR2GmDoZzJdwz更多