SmartSupport protects your device, data and privacy. With SmartSupport you can remotely locate, alarm, lock, and wipe your device. SmartSupport safeguards you from viruses and can optimize device performance. Your photos, videos, and contacts are safe and securely backed up in the SmartSupport cloud automatically. And you can contact SmartSupport technicians for any device help. Download the StarHub SmartSupport app today. 1. Locate and Secure Your DeviceJust login to SmartSupport via to :- Track your device with GPS and enhanced locate - Remotely erase contacts, photos, and videos stored on your device- Remotely sound an alarm on your device 2. Keep Your Personal Data Safe- Backup your contacts, photos and videos wirelessly and automatically from your device to the SmartSupport secure cloud- Restore saved data across platform- View your stored content at SmartSupport portal login via 3. Protect Your Privacy from Malicious Applications and Websites - Secure your device with anti-virus protection- Expose what applications have access to your location and personal data - Block phishing websites that try to steal personal data4. Enhance Your Device Performance - Identify the apps and files that affect the performance of your device- Analyze battery drain and memory use on your device 5. Resolve Any Device Related Questions- Click-to-call connects you directly with our device experts who can resolve any questions you have about your device and applications- Device guides on the SmartSupport portal on how to get the most out of your mobile deviceWho’s eligible?Exclusive to StarHub SmartSupport post-paid customers Want to know about SmartSupport? Visit to find out more about the all-in-one mobile protection solution for your device.** You may be charged for Local or International data fees when you use certain security featuresWhats New• Optimize the emergency call when phone locked• Added two more devices in device supporting list: Samsung Galaxy K Zoom LTE and Motorola Moto X (xt1052)更多