“The War in the Air,” by H.G. Wells, is a novel that was written in a remarkably short span of four months in 1907. Serialized and published in 1908 in The Pall Mall Magazine, the novel is known for its prophetic ideas, images, and concepts. One of the most notable ideas presented in the novel is the use of aircraft for the purpose of warfare, which would later become a reality during World War I. The protagonist of the novel, Bert Smallways, is portrayed as a forward-thinking young man, described as a “kind of bicycle engineer of the let's-'ave-a-look-at-it and enamel-chipping variety.”
Based on the information provided in the quote, we can identify several advantages of “The War in the Air” novel:
1. Prophetic ideas: The novel showcases Wells's ability to envision and predict future technologies and their impact on society. This ability to foresee the future adds a layer of intrigue and fascination to the novel.
2. Imagery: Wells's use of vivid imagery helps to create a captivatin