This is an application developed by This app helps you to find nearest blood donor on demand and this also makes you a good blood donor. You can search by specifying blood group and maximum distance with the donor. The search result will be sorted from nearest one to far one. By clicking on the search result you can view the details of the donor. The details contains name, profile picture, address of his last location (location when last updating occurred), circular and on road distance from the donor, on road duration (time takes the donor to reach your place), last updating time, willingness of donating blood etc. Showing other personal details of donor is restricting here to avoid misusing. You can call the donor by clicking on the call button from donor profile view. The donor search process is as follows. First search donor by specifying blood group and distance. Then select an appropriate donor from the search result and call him. If he is ready for donate blood for you send him a request from his profile view after the call. A donor must see the request and verify the profile of called person before going to the called place for security. If you are verified his profile, you can accept his request and go to the called place. After you donate your blood delete the request you have received and update your last donated date. The location of all members will be update if they are online. If they become offline, their location updating will be stopped. But all online and offline members will be displayed on the search result. But the visibility of the offline members will be depends up on their last updated location while they were online. So while deciding your donor please mentions their last updating time also. The search result will only shows the donors with the age ranging from 17 to 65. If a member donated blood, he must update his last donated date because there must be need an average gap of 56 days between each donation. Then he will automatically avoid from the searching and become active on searches after the blood donation due date. A new member can search only after the activation period. This will be maximum 30 days from registration. This is for avoiding the temporary registrations only for searching without ready to donating blood. If a member logged out from his account, he will become similar to an offline member. His location updating will be stopped. So he will be available with his last updated location on searches. If a member wants to stop donating blood, he must need to delete his account. Username once registered cannot change again. So members must use memorable usernames. This is a location based application. But it takes the tower location of the donor to avoid security issues with actual and accurate location. So the distance between the donor and searching person may have some minute difference from actual calculation. But it does not affect badly because it should be less than 2 km. These services are also available on If you feel any problem with this app on your device, please send it as a feedback. Hope that My Blood for You will help you a lot. 这是应用由开发。这个程序可以帮助你找到最近的献血需求,这也使得你一个良好的献血者。您可以搜索与捐助者指定血型和最大距离。搜索结果将被排序从最近的一个远一个。通过点击搜索结果,你可以查看详细的捐助。详细信息包含姓名,个人资料图片,地址,他的最后一个位置(位置,当最后一次更新发生),从捐赠者通函及路途远近,道路上持续时间(时间需要捐助达到你的地方),最后的更新时间,愿意献血等其他个人资料显示,供体的限制,以避免误用。您可以拨打捐助捐助轮廓视图点击呼叫按钮。 捐助搜索过程如下。第一搜索捐助者通过指定血型和距离。然后从搜索结果中选择一个合适的供体,并给他打电话。如果他是你送他的请求,他的个人资料后调用献血准备。捐赠者必须看到请求和验证才去的所谓安全的地方,所谓的人的档案。如果你验证他的个人资料,你可以接受他的请求,并进入所谓的地方。你献血之后您已收到删除请求,并更新您的最后捐赠日期。 所有成员的位置将更新他们是否在线。如果他们成为下线,他们的位置更新将被停止。但所有联机和脱机的成员将显示在搜索结果中。但下线成员的知名度,将取决于他们最后更新的位置上,而他们是在网上。因此,在决定您的捐助,请提及他们的最后更新时间。搜索结果将只显示了捐助者的年龄从17至65不等。 如果一个成员捐献的血液,他必须更新他的最后捐赠的日期,因为必须有每个捐赠之间,平均需要56天的差距。然后,他会自动避开从搜索,并成为活跃在献血后的到期日搜索。新成员可以搜索后,才激活期限。这将是最大的30天登记。这是为了避免临时注册,只为寻找没有准备献血。 如果一个成员从他的帐户登录,他将成为一个脱机的成员相似。他的位置更新将被停止。因此,他将是他最后更新搜索位置。如果会员想停止献血,他必须需要删除自己的帐户。一旦注册的用户名不能再次发生变化。因此,成员必须使用难忘的用户名。 这是一个基于位置的应用程序。但它需要捐助塔的位置,以避免安全问题的实际和准确定位。因此,供体和搜索人之间的距离,可能有一些微小的区别,实际的计算。不过,这并不影响严重,因为它应该是不到2公里。 这些服务也可在mybloodforyou.com的。如果你觉得这个程序,您的设备上的任何问题,请把它作为反馈。希望我的血你会帮助你很多。 更多