This question (or close to question) is commonly asked by students UN agency ar new in China (and in fact the other Chinese speaking country).In several cases the speed of the the Chinese they're currently hearing is quicker than lubricated lightening on a luge run and that they simply cannot subsume it. The accent and speed they're conversant in from their academics is obscurity to be found, and this ends up in confusion, self-doubt.So, as Chinese academics we tend to get repeatedly asked the straightforward question "How to I improve my Chinese Listening chinese ability?"The answer to the present question may be a frustratingly easy three steps."Listen lots!" "React to what you hear" "Repeat!" Do this often and Listening chinese comprehension can increase dramatically and quickly.Ok....let's look into these successivelyListen tonsTo improve your Listening chinese you would like to pay attention to natural Chinese much as you'll. positive you'll hear Chinese tapes and follow along side created For Chinese CDs, however these seldom match real language in terms of speed. individuals learning Chinese (or any language) ought to get the maximum amount natural speed input as they will.Great ways that to try to to this include:TV or newscast broadcasts, internet primarily based audio (podcasts, audio files, video), change of integrity native clubs, volunteering, look Chinese movies, TV, going symptom, beginning a club Listening chinese.React to what you hearLesson List-Learn Chinese - "I like listening to music!"-Listen Story , Learn Chinese(Mandarin)--(White Fariy Fox--Prelude 1)-Tips for Learning Mandarin Chinese-Improving your Chinese listening ability (some tricks)-Using Audacity to learn Chinese (speaking and listening)-HSK level 3 listening test part 2 - Learn Chinese by video tutorial-Chinese listening Practice 5: ?????? Mount. Sheshan from Shanghai-Chinese Test-HSK Level 3-Listening partAnd many many lesson in my app**This app is collect video from many youtube channel can help you Listening Chinese better and better**更多