Cornerstone Chapel is a non-denominational church in Leesburg, VA that simply worships God and studies the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Cornerstone Chapel is non-denominational, but affiliated with Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa, California. Download the Cornerstone Chapel mobile app to view our weekly services streamed live to your mobile device, access recent teachings, read about upcoming events, and more! For more information about Cornerstone Chapel, visit The Cornerstone Chapel App was created with The Church App by Subsplash. App: 2015 Cornerstone Chapel. All rights reserved. 基石教堂是一个非教派教会利斯堡,弗吉尼亚州,简单地崇拜神和研究圣经从创世记到启示录。教堂的基石是无宗派,但是隶属于加州Costa Mesa的各各礼拜堂。 下载基石礼拜堂移动应用程序来查看我们的每周一次的服务,实时分流到移动设备,访问最近的教导,了解即将发生的事件,以及更多! 有关基石教堂的更多信息,请访问 基石礼拜堂应用与教会应用程序通过Subsplash创建。 应用:2015基石教堂。版权所有。 更多