Contraction Timer helps you time how long and how frequent your contractions are when going into labour. It shows the time of each contraction, their durations and the interval between them. Please note that if your phone doesn't have Android 4 or newer, it will still use the old version of the app. Please purchase Contraction Timer Donate if you like this app. It also enables the ability to share your times in an emailed spreadsheet, and also enabled the Android Beam feature (Android 4+ phones with NFC only), so that you can instantly beam your times to another device—particularly useful when your partner comes home from work and takes over the timing operations! 收缩计时器帮助您的时间多久,频繁的宫缩是如何进入劳动。它示出每个收缩,它们的持续时间,和它们之间的间隔的时间。 请注意,如果您的手机不具备的Android 4或更新版本,但它仍然会使用旧版本的应用程序。 请购买收缩的定时器捐赠,如果你喜欢这个程序。这也使分享你的时间,通过电子邮件发送的电子表格的能力,也使Android的光束功能(Android的4 +手机与NFC仅),所以,你可以立即梁到另一台设备,尤其是有用的,当你的伴侣你的时间回家从工作和接管的时间! 更多