5000 quotes from different categories including: art, computers, drugs, education, kids, literature, love, pets, politics, riddles, science, songs-poems and sports. Categories are subject of user choice, initially all categories are enabled. All quotes are written naturally (not translated) in five languages. The language is automatically selected according to the phone settings. Quotes are updated automatically every 30 minutes. Quotes can be pronounced using Text-To-Speech system. Voice synthesis by TTS is separate application , if it is not working, please install from Market TSS and language data. If the quality of generated speech is not satisfying you, just like me, I strongly reccomend to install Ivona TTS engine and corresponding language data. It is crystal quality and natural human voice. It is also still free of charge. The background is semi-transparent, giving smooth view of widget over wallpaper. This application is Android™ Widget port of original text mode program, used in UNIX™ and Linux™ environments, called .Fortune Widget contains the ever-popular fortune program, which will display quotes or witticisms. Fun-loving system administrators used to add fortune to users' .login files, so that the users get their dose of wisdom each time they log in. Installation: This doesn't open, it is a Widget not an app. Add on homescreen with Long press on background - Message of the day In Android environment, it is more useable to run this kind of application using widget, than the original text mode, from command prompt of terminal. Introduced Share button - to make widget more social, if you like the joke or phrase, easily share it with friends.Share option is tested and works with: SMS, Gmail, Email, WhatsApp. Currently it fails to work with Facebook, due to well known bug in Facebook for Android. Do not report this problem, please, report it to Facebook app developers. License: GNU General Public License version 3http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.htmlSource: https://sourceforge.net/projects/messageoftheday/ This app is completely free, thanks to advertising network used: Admob - it will help us to keep developing more apps. 5000的报价从不同的类别,包括: 艺术,电脑,药品,教育,孩子们,文学,爱情,宠物,政治,谜语,科学,歌曲,诗歌和运动。 分类受到用户的选择,最初所有类别启用。 所有报价自然写入(不译)五种语言。该语言是根据电话设置自动选择。 行情会自动更新每隔30分钟。 行情可以使用文本到语音转换系统,可以显着。 语音合成TTS所是独立的应用程序,如果它不能正常工作,请从市场TSS和语言数据的安装。 如果产生的语音质量不能满足你,就像我一样,我强烈reccomend安装伊沃娜TTS引擎和相应的语言数据。它是晶体质量和自然的人声。它也仍然是免费的。 背景是半透明,使小窗口的多壁纸光滑图。 此应用程序的原始文本模式程序,在UNIX™和Linux™环境中,所谓的“财富”,“财富-MOD”和“MOTD”的Android™的Widget端口。财富的Widget包括广受欢迎的财富计划,该计划将显示引号或俏皮话。爱玩的系统管理员用来添加发家用户的.login文件,从而使用户获得每次登录一次他们的剂量智慧。 安装:这不开,这是一个不小部件的应用程序。添加主屏幕上用长按背景 - 消息的日子 在Android的环境,更可用来运行这种应用程序中使用的部件,比原来的文本模式,从终端的命令提示符。 介绍分享按钮 - 使部件更多的社会,如果你喜欢的笑话或词组,轻松地与朋友分享。分享选项测试,适用于:短信,Gmail的,电子邮件,WhatsApp的。目前,它无法与Facebook的合作,由于Android的Facebook中众所周知的bug。不要将此问题报告,请报告给Facebook应用程序开发人员。 许可:GNU通用公共许可证版本3http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html来源:https://sourceforge.net/projects/messageoftheday/ 这个程序是完全免费的,由于使用的广告网络:Admob的 - 这将帮助我们继续开发更多的应用程序。 更多