本软件精心收集了很多优美、动人、令人陶醉的笛子曲。 希望大家能喜欢也希望能得到大家的支持。笛子, 距今已有七千年的历史, 应该说这是迄今为止发现的最古老的乐器。另外还有美国华侨收藏的战国时期七个按音孔横吹的铜笛;湖北随县出土的战国初(公元前433年)曾侯乙墓中的两支横吹的笛; 湖南长沙马王堆出土的三号汉墓(公元前168年)中的两支横吹的笛;广西贵县罗泊湾出土的一号墓中一支用二节竹制成的七个按音孔横吹的笛, 都足已证明笛子是比其他任何乐器都早几代的、最原始的乐器。The dizi is a side blown chinese flute. It normally has six finger holes. A rather distinctive feature of the dizi is that it has a membrane hole. The membrane hole can be covered up with various membranes to make the dizi sound different. Click here for diagram and terms. Since its easy to make and sounds so good, the dizi has traditionally been very popular among the Chinese common people. Today, the dizi is still used in Chinese classical music, and can always be heard during Chinese festivals. Or if walking the streets of a Chinese city, one may be able to hear in the distance someone playing the dizi. Its a special piece of world heritage that we should all enjoy. The history of the evolution of the dizi is quite long - from the neolithic period's gu di (bone flute), to today's dizi (Chinese bamboo flute), it has already passed through 8000 years of testing. Throughout the thousands of years, this musical instument, the Chinese flute, has progressively become more and more cheerished by the ordinary people of China, using it basically as an accompaniment with folk music ensembles, while also continuing to develop it as a solo art, which gave them a great performance edge and solo playing skills. This software collected some most wonderful DiZi music,hope you may enjoy it.更多