Writeily Pro is an extension of one of the simplest note-taking apps on Android, Writeily. As a pro version of Writeily, Writeily Pro brings you these features: - Save notes directly on your device's storage.- Create folders to organize your notes better.- Import and edit text files from other folders you may have on your SD card.- Write in plain text or in markdown, and see your words come to life.- Preview your markdown text in a separate window to see how your rich text looks like. Writeily is FREE and will always be 100% free, without ads or in-app purchases. The app is free, but if you like what you see, please give it a rating, and share it with your friends - it helps a lot! Writeily Pro是在Android上,Writeily最简单的笔记应用程序之一的延伸。作为Writeily的专业版,专业版Writeily为您带来以下功能: - 直接保存笔记在你的设备的存储空间。- 创建文件夹来组织你的笔记更好。- 从其它文件夹导入和编辑文本文件,你可以对你的SD卡。- 写在纯文本或降价,看你的话来生活。- 预览在一个单独的窗口中的文字降价怎么看你的富文本的样子。 Writeily是免费的,将永远是100%免费,无广告或应用内购买。 该应用程序是免费的,但如果你喜欢你所看到的,请给它的评级,并与朋友分享 - 它有很大帮助! 更多