Dike is a Calendar app for Lawyers. Specially made for your professional needs. It helps to organize cases you take up and track their hearings. Everything inside a nice Calendar that comes with an easy s work schedule and another touch on any case-file in the schedule leads to its details page. You can add new case-files or search for existing ones from any page.* A comprehensive search tool : No need to go through long lists with hundreds of items. Search based on details like case number, names of client, opposite party or even the opposite lawyer and pin-point the case-file.You can search for case-files based on details like client name, case number, etc or for all cases with a hearing between specific dates.* Ability to export data in plain-text CSV file format.* No time-limit set for trial: There is no time-limit set for the expiry of this trial release but the number of case-files it can manage is limited. Trial does not support importing data to it. Also note that trial release will not get any new feature updates except critical bug-fixes, if any.更多