您是否在寻找一个准确,可靠的节拍器? 最经典的节拍器是您的最佳选择! 我们方便的设备将成为你的亲密每一个音乐家谁需要一个节拍器每天锻炼的朋友。这对于鼓手,吉他手和钢琴家一个完美的应用程序。但是,正如我们现在的人们用它也能保持一个稳定的节奏运行,高尔夫推杆练习,跳舞,和许多其他activities.This口袋“宝石”中提供了各种节奏模式,其参数以直观的方式改变。整个辅之以一个庞大而清晰的界面。该应用程序支持多种方式来体验节拍。 我们已经准备节拍器的一个特殊版本,经典的外观和现实的钟摆运动。该应用程序是简单和方便的使用。设定速度,使用其位于摆锤重量。 产品特点:♫节奏调整,从36到208 BPM(每分钟节拍数)♫敲击速度每小节♫从2至20次♫吧台♫渐快滑块逐渐的加快/减慢♫通用应用程序 - 支持手机和平板电脑♫可调音量 感谢和享受这个程序!---English Are you looking for an accurate and reliable metronome? Best Classic Metronome is perfect for you! Our handy device will become your close friend of every musician who needs a metronome to daily exercise. It's a perfect app for drummers, guitarists and pianists. But as we now people use it also to keep a steady tempo during running, golf putting practice, dancing, and many other activities. This pocket offers a variety of rhythmic patterns whose parameters are changed in an intuitive way. The whole is complemented by a large and legible interface. The app supports several ways to experience beats. We have prepared a special version of metronome with classic look and realistic pendulum motion. The application is simple and convenient to use. Set the tempo, using the weight which is located at the pendulum. Features:♫ Tempo tuning from 36 to 208 BPM (Beats Per Minute)♫ Tap tempo♫ From 2 to 20 beats per measure♫ Counter bar ♫ Accelerando slider for gradual speeding up/slowing down♫ Universal app – supported on phones and tablets♫ Adjustable volume Thanks and Enjoy this app! 更多