We love freedom. Yes, freedom. Freedom to save our files, to upload them to the cloud, to have them available wherever we want, to share it with our friends, even share the with the world. This is the spirit of fileboost. Fileboost is a lightweight social sharing app. It’s the natural step in cloud services, with the existing apps you can save files, this is their goal, fileboost is made to share. Fileboost's aim is friends and files, one as important as the other. One of the main problems of Mobile devices is that doesn't exist a natural way to share files, actually users solve it using mail attachments, instant messaging services or slow and heavy storing apps. This is the problem that fileboost solves. Main features: Every user can upload how many files they want Files rest on the server for a limited time when it can easily be Shared with his friendsFriends can be found from contacts, Facebook and searching the serverImages and texts have a easy preview modeThe app easily manages uploads and downloads, without quitting the appFiles can be uploaded alone or grouped in a zip file using the “multi-upload” featureNotifications keep you up to date with new filesFiles have a description view to see all details and perform the actionsFiles can be commented just as you do with Facebook commentsGroups of friends make it easy to share with a lot of peopleDashClock extension within the appFile list using like cards Permissions’ description: INTERNET,ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, READ_PHONE_STATE: fileboost is a cloud service, so it must connect to the networkREAD_CONTACTS: we need this permission to help you find friendsWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: saving your files is basic to share themVIBRATE, GET_ACCOUNTS: we need them for the notificationsWAKE_LOCK: helps users to handle downloads and uploadsBILLING: upgrade accounts Web app coming soon... 我们热爱自由。是的,自由。自由来拯救我们的文件,将它们上传到云端,让他们任何想去的地方,它与我们的朋友分享,甚至与世界分享。这是精神fileboost。 Fileboost是一个轻量级的社交共享应用程序。与现有的应用程序,你可以将文件保存在云服务,这是自然的一步,这是他们的目标,fileboost分享。 Fileboost的目标是朋友和其他重要文件,一个。移动设备的主要问题之一是不存在的一种自然的方式来共享文件,实际上用户使用邮件附件,即时通讯服务或缓慢而沉重的存储应用程序解决。这是问题,fileboost解决。 主要特点: 他们想要多少个文件,每个用户都可以上传文件在服务器上休息时,在有限的时间,它可以很容易地与他的朋友们共享朋友,可以发现从联系人,Facebook的搜索服务器有一个简单的预览图像和文字模式该应用程序可以很容易地管理上传和下载,无需退出应用程序上传文件可以单独或分组zip文件中使用“多上传”功能通知让你在新文件日期文件描述视图看到所有的细节和执行的行动文件可以评论,就像你与Facebook评论团体的朋友可以很容易地与很多人分享的DashClock扩展的应用程序内使用“谷歌”样卡文件列表 权限的说明: 互联网,ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE READ_PHONE_STATE:fileboost是云服务,所以它必须连接到网络READ_CONTACTS:我们需要这个权限来帮助你找到朋友WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:将文件保存是基本的分享他们振动,GET_ACCOUNTS:我们需要他们的通知WAKE_LOCK:帮助用户处理上传和下载计费方式:升级账户 Web应用程序即将到来... 更多