teach your son/daughter all the mathematics material of the first grade . great program for first grade primary school. (in English and better in tablet)This program is dedicated to the first elementary grade students. Contains all the material account for the first grade primary school. Coordinated Universal curriculum , U.S. curriculum Europe curriculum .Contains a large number of diverse and interesting questions, which enables the student to develop their capabilities in beautiful and wonderful ways. The program contains the following topics:1) Know numbers from 1 to 10. 2) Sum numbers from 1 to 10. 3) Subtract numbers from 1 to 10.4) Sum and Subtract from 1 to 10.5) Know numbers from 11 to 20.6) Geometric shapes and ruler. 教你的儿子/女儿一年级的数学材料。 小学一年级的伟大纲领。 (英语和在平板更好)这个程序是专门为第一小学一年级的学生。包含了所有的材料占小学一年级。协调通用欧洲,美国课程课程课程。包含大量的多样化和有趣的问题,使学生发展他们的能力,在美丽和奇妙的方式。 该计划包含以下主题:1)了解从1到10的数字。2)金额从1到10的数字。3)减去从1到10的数字。4)总结和减去从1到10。5)了解从11到20的数字。6)几何形状和统治者。 更多