Color Drips is a cool and addictive game that will make you think! Clear the entire board by removing 2 or more connected blocks of the same color. But you got to plan ahead! Its not as easy as you think... - 3 difficulty levels - 4 colorful fun skins - Colorblind mode - Cool sound effects Privacy Notice:Ads in our apps may be served by third party ad networks, which may collect device identifiers or use cookies or other technologies to collect information in connection with ad serving. 滴水颜色,会让你觉得是一个很酷的和上瘾的游戏! 通过除去2个或多个连接的相同颜色的块清除整个板。但是,你必须未雨绸缪!它并不像想象中那么简单... - 3个难度级别 - 4丰富多彩的乐趣皮 - 色盲模式 - 酷音效 隐私权保护声明:第三方广告网络,这可能会收集设备的标识符或使用cookies或其他技术来收集信息与广告的投放,广告在我们的应用程序可送达。更多