REQUIRES ROOT! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! If you don't know what means, don't install this app! This app moves apps from and to the /system/app folder, making them a system app or a user app. System apps can get more priviledges, so some apps get more functionality when installed as a system app. On the other hand, system apps can not be uninstalled. So this app can also be used to convert system apps to normal user apps by moving them from the /system/app directory to /data/app directory. WARNING: Uninstalling important system apps might result in a unusable device! Use this function at your own risk and only if you know what you're doing! Make a NANDroid backup first! I won't give any kind of support if something goes wrong - don't install this app if you're not okay with that. Paid apps can not be moved! Since Android JellyBean, paid apps are encrypted and therefore can not be moved!Apps which are moved to SD card need to be moved back to internal memory before being able to move them to /system/app! The app might not work on custom ROMs! On Android 5.0 and newer, system apps can not be converted back to normal apps with this app! Feel free to contribute to the GitHub project if you know a fix for this This app requires a rooted device with BusyBox installed. Don't install this app if you don't know what that means! Make a backup before moving files! Not every app will work when moved to a different location! This app uses the RootTools Project ( library. The app is open source: 需要root!使用需要您自担风险!如果你不知道什么是“根”的意思,不要安装这个程序!此应用程式,并到/系统/应用程序文件夹移动应用程序,使之成为一个系统的应用程序或用户的应用程序。系统的应用程序可以得到更多的权限的,所以,当作为一个系统的应用程序安装一些应用程序获得更多的功能。在另一方面,系统应用不能被卸载。所以这个应用程序还可以通过使用从/系统/应用程序目录移动到/数据/应用程序目录系统应用到普通用户的应用程序进行转换。警告:的卸载重要的系统应用程序可能会导致设备不可用! 您自担风险使用此功能且仅当你知道你在做什么!做一个备份NANDroid第一!如果出现了错误我不会放弃任何形式的支持 - 不要安装这个程序,如果你不好吗这一点。付费应用程序不能移动!由于Android软糖,付费应用进行加密,因此不能移动!应用它们的移动到SD卡需要能够将其移动到/系统/应用程序之前搬回到内部存储器!该应用程序可能无法在自定义光盘的工作!在Android 5.0及更高版本,系统应用无法改回正常的应用程序使用这个程序!随意有助于GitHub的项目,如果你知道这个修复这个应用程序需要与BusyBox的一个根深蒂固的设备安装。不要安装此应用程序,如果你不知道这意味着什么!移动文件前进行备份!当移动到不同的位置,并不是每一个应用程序将工作!该应用程序使用RootTools项目(库。该应用程序是开源:更多