Clean Calculator This is a beautiful, clean calculator, which supports multiple themes, for everyone who wants to calculate in style. Slide up from the bottom to reveal more functions like sin, cos... Clean Calculator is a free, ad-free, open source application, designed by a team who is eager to develop beautiful and functional applications. This is the full version of the app. However, if you liked the app please support us by downloading the donation version. To change themes you have to press: menu/extra - settings, and then select a theme and go back. Features:-Standard mathematical functions (plus, minus, ...)-Advanced mathematical functions like sinus, cosinus, ...-Choose between degrees and radians-Choose the precision in which to return results-An easy to use, swipe-up menu for advanced functions-A clean and beautiful interface-Multiple beautiful and clean themes-Tablet optimized-Completely free and ad-free ContactMail us at with bugs, questions and suggestions for themes or functions. A clean and beautiful calculator Please rate this app if you like it, it really helps us keeping the updates coming. The source code is available on Github under the MIT license:, beautiful, clean, jmstudios, jm studios, themes, theme, free, open source, calc, design, layout. 清洁计算器这是一个美丽,干净的计算器,它支持多个主题,每个人要计算在风格从底部向上滑动,露出更多的功能,如正弦,余弦...清洁计算器是一个免费,无广告,开源的应用程序,由一队谁是急于开发美观和功能应用设计的。这是完整版本的应用程序。不过,如果你喜欢的应用程序,请支持我们捐赠的版本下载。要改变主题,你必须按菜单/额外 - “设置”,然后选择一个主题,回去。特点:标准的数学函数(加,减,...)先进的数学函数,如窦,余弦,...选择度和弧度之间选择的精度返回结果- 一个易于使用的先进的功能,刷卡式菜单干净和漂亮的界面海报的美丽和干净的主题平板优化- 完全免费,无广告联系邮件主题或功能缺陷,问题和建议,我们在 @。干净和漂亮的计算器请率这个程序,如果你喜欢它,它真的可以帮助我们保持更新。源代码是Github上MIT许可下的关键字:计算器,美观,无尘,jmstudios,JM工作室,主题,主题,免费,开源,钙,设计,布局。更多