Application description Find all Android applications for Netherlands in one place.Now with even more Dutch apps listed.This is Netherlands apps market that will make discovering of Dutch applications super fun and easy.You can browse apps by group, search/filter groups, read description and other info about them and install them through the Android Market.You can add them to favorites for later use, share data about app, or even entire search results, with any app that supports text sharing (FB, Email, Sms, Twitter...)You can choose betwen 5 color schemas (skins).Apps specific to some of the city/area are grouped and other that covers all Netherlands (or more than one city) are in group "Netherlands". There are 1217 Netherlands apps listed in current release and this number will grow.As a plus there are also 1589 recommended "World apps" included (not Dutch) that you can find useful. Try our other apps: are:Netherlands's-HertogenboschAlmereAmsterdamApeldoornBredaEindhovenEnschedeGroningenHague (Den Haag)MaastrichtNijmegenRotterdamTilburgUtrechtVenloOther citiesLanguage appsWorld appsAll更多