The premier illustrated architectural dictionary, Illustrated Dictionary of Architecture, features 8,000 definitions, 4,000 illustrations, and biographies of hundreds of architects accompanied by classic examples of their work. This new, full-color edition includes terms relating to green, ecological, and sustainable architecture. **This is a fully functional TRIAL!** Everything critically important to those in the field of architecture and design is covered, including: * Architectural styles* Details* Building elements* Architectural forms* Building systems* Green building A search tool Featuring various search options to help you find the words you need more easily, including: * A quick search of words while you type* A 'fuzzy filter' for when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word* A 'keyword' search for finding key words within phrasal verbs* A wild card search facility which can replace a letter or a group of letters A learning tool The dictionary app includes a number of features which help you to expand your vocabulary further: * A 'Favourites' feature allows you to create your own categories and lists of words* Your last visited words are all saved in your 'History', so that you can quickly look back at recently checked words* Discover a new word every day with the 'Daily' feature* Ability to have dictionary Word of the Day as a widget on the device home screen* See words in context with example sentences* Online and offline modes supported, the offline mode allows you to download the whole dictionary and work independently from data connections 所示的最大的建筑词典,图解词典建筑,拥有8000的定义,4000插图和传记的数百名建筑师伴随着经典的例子,他们的工作的。这种新的,全彩色版的内容包括有关绿色,生态和可持续建筑。 *这是一个全功能的试用!** 一切建筑学和设计的领域中极为重要的那些被覆盖,包括: *建筑风格*详细内容**建筑形式*建筑系统*绿色建筑 搜索工具 拥有不同的搜索选项,以帮助您找到您需要的话,更容易,包括: * A的话,而你输入的快速搜索* A“当你不知道一个单词的正确拼写的”模糊过滤器*“关键字”搜索寻找关键的词在短语动词*通配符搜索工具,它可以取代一个字母或一组字母 的学习工具 这本字典的应用程序包括一些功能,帮助您进一步扩大你的词汇量: * A'收藏'功能使您可以创建自己的分类和列表的话*您上次访问的字都保存在您的“历史”,让你可以快速回看最近检查的话*发现了一个新词每天的“每日”功能*有能力字典中的单词的一天,在设备主屏幕上的小工具*请参阅词语的上下文例句*支持在线和离线模式,离线模式允许您下载整个字典和独立的数据连接 更多